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Full Body Stretch

Child’s Pose

Kneel on your bed/floor with your knees hip-width apart and your feet together behind you. Take a deep breath in and, as you exhale, walk your hands forward and lower your torso over your thighs and relax your forehead on the ground. Try to lengthen through your spine, draw ribs up and away from thighs while drawing the shoulders down the spine away from ears.

Thread the Needle

Begin on all fours with hands under shoulders and hips over your knees. Reach your right arm underneath as you twist through the torso and across your body with your palm facing up. Bend your left arm as you carefully lower onto your right side. Try to lengthen through the spine and drop the shoulder away from ear.

Sphinx Pose

Line on your stomach with your legs straight behind you. Place your forearms on the floor with elbows under your shoulders. Press into forearms to lift the chest up off the floor. Try to lengthen through the spine while opening the collarbone and dropping shoulders away from ears.

Supine Twist

Lie on your back and hug your knees into your chest, brace the core and drop the knees to one side as you twist through the torso. Try to lengthen through the spine and draw the core away from thighs. Repeat to the other side.

Seated Neck Stretch

Sit on the bed/ floor in a cross-legged position. Rest your left hand on the floor along your leg. Place your right hand on the top of your head and slowly tilt your head to the right bringing ear to shoulder. Try to lengthen through the spine and apply gentle pressure with your hand to increase the stretch. Repeat to the other side.


Sit on the bed/floor with heels together, knees wide, resting hands on feet. Brace the core, exhale, and gently lower your torso toward the middle of your thighs. Try to lengthen through the spine and press your elbows against the inner knees to open the hips further.

Side Lying Thigh Stretch

Lie down on one side, reaching lower arm long, and placing head on arm. Bend at the knee of the top leg, drawing the foot back toward glutes. Try to reach back and grab the foot or ankle, gently apply pressure to increase the stretch. Repeat on the other leg.

Fish Pose

Lie flat on your back with arms close to sides, palms facing down. Press into your hands and forearms to lift the torso while arching the back and lifting shoulders off the floor. Try to lengthen through the spine, draw the core in, press down into the legs and drop the head back.

Knee to Chest

Lie on your back with both legs extended. Pull one knee into side waist, while keeping the other leg straight, and your lower back pressed into the floor. Repeat on the other side.

Seated Side Stretch

Sit on the bed/ floor in a cross-legged position. Rest your left hand on the floor along your leg. Reach your right to the sky and lean to the left side while elongating through the spine. Repeat to the other side.

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